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Cats: 5 Common Myths and Misconceptions

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Here is the truth behind five common misconceptions and myths about cats!

Here is the truth behind five common misconceptions and myths about cats!

Cats Will Be Cats ...

Cats are unique. They can be trained, but it takes a person with a good deal of patience.

Cats will respond to your voice and come to you if you have never hurt them. They will gladly come over to be petted or to sit on your lap.

Of course, they can be independent cusses, and if you pick them up, they will jump right down again; only to turn around and jump right back up in your lap because, that time, it was their idea!

Let's Examine These 5 Common Myths

  1. Cats are light on their feet.
  2. Cats are graceful.
  3. Cats are anti-social.
  4. Cats are dignified.
  5. Cats are lazy.

Read on and find the truth about these fascinating creatures.

How many of these do you agree with?

How many of these do you agree with?

Myth 1: Cats Are Light on Their Feet

Well, they can be—if they want to.

The truth is, however, they can be very heavy-pawed, making sounds that would seem to come from a much larger animal. Is that part of their defensive mechanism, like fluffing their fur to appear larger in the face of a threat?

When they jump down from some high perch, it sounds as if a bowling ball is hitting the floor! For some reason, this is especially true if they are jumping from some surface where they know very well they are not allowed. It is as if they are saying, "What? No, I wasn't on the counter! See? I'm on the floor!"

Then, there are the midnight races up and down the hallway. Kalump, kalump, kalump! It is a game cat owners know as "THoE" or "Thundering Herds of Elephants."

Myth Busted: So much for being light on their feet!

This silly girl is our nurse cat.

This silly girl is our nurse cat.

Myth 2: Cats Are Graceful

Maybe I have unusual cats. I've seen some pretty ungraceful moves. But then again, any search on YouTube will bring up countless videos of cats doing some pretty clumsy things.

A couple of mine are true klutzes as well. I just lack the video equipment to prove it.

Myth Busted: Cats are klutzes!

This was our "Jigsaw Puzzle" kitty, named for his fur patterns. He was a real snuggle bug, but sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge in December 2018.

This was our "Jigsaw Puzzle" kitty, named for his fur patterns. He was a real snuggle bug, but sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge in December 2018.

Myth 3: Cats Are Anti-Social

Now, I know some of you are thinking, "Oh, they only come around when they want food or to sleep on your bed."

That may be true to some extent, but with all of our cats, and I'm sure other cat owners can vouch for this: most cats love to cuddle, be petted, and sing beautiful purr songs to help you drift off to sleep. They may enjoy the soft bed, but they can just as well sleep at the foot of the bed. Snuggling with you is a sign of true affection, especially when it's summer and they do not need to share your warmth.

Of course, there is always the one who wants to act like a jerk, but that only proves that cats, like people, are individuals, each with their own personalities. Don't we all know people who are jerks?

Furthermore, two of our cats are bonafide "nurse cats," who have helped both my husband and me when we were not feeling well. My late husband was a heart patient, and the one cat was his particular overnight companion when he was going through a very bad spell. If he was distressed during his sleep, she would know and wake him up so he could use his medication.

Myth Busted: Cats are alert and capable of caring.

Myth 4: Cats Are Dignified

This goes a little bit along the same lines with them being graceful, but again, not so much.

Cats are clowns, and even grown cats can act in very kittenish ways, sometimes resulting in hilarious outcomes.

Myth Busted: Cats are silly!

I'm not lazy; I'm conserving my energy for midnight.

I'm not lazy; I'm conserving my energy for midnight.

Myth 5: Cats Are Lazy

Oh, well ... hmm ...

Let's see: They have high energy, can leap up to six times their own height, can sprint at speeds up to an astonishing 31 miles per hour. (No wonder you can't catch them when it's time to go to the vet or give medicine!)

On the other hand, cats sleep up to 15 hours a day. But it's not being lazy, it's conserving energy for all those high-energy pounces and chases, just like their wild cousins.

Myth (Partially) Busted: Well, maybe partly lazy—I may have to give you that one.

© 2015 Liz Elias


Liz Elias (author) from Oakley, CA on January 20, 2017:

Hello, Dolores,

Thank you for sharing about your special fur-child, Banjo. I do think they also have ESP! They KNOW when we're about to go out for a while! As far as understanding language, you'd better believe it! We have to spell out the word "treats," if they are not about to get any just then! LOL

And, one of them is a real 'nurse cat.' She stayed faithfully by my husband's side all night for the three years he was really ill; if his breathing became labored, she would wake him, so he could take his medication. Now that he is not in such distress, she shares her nightly time between us. :-)

Dolores Monet from East Coast, United States on January 19, 2017:

Hi Liz - it wasn't until later in my life that a cat moved in with us. He busted all the myths or silly ideas that I previously had about cats. Banjo (the cat) can understands actual words, I am sure of that. He hangs close or sits in my lap if I am downhearted. He understands and responds to 2 step commands. People think you make this stuff up about your cat, that you are just cat silly, but I've learned a lot about assumptions from Banjo!

Liz Elias (author) from Oakley, CA on January 13, 2016:

Hi, phoenix--

LOL--yes they do love the 'peanuts.' Be advised that those do have static cling, and it can be just as funny when they exit the box... have your camera ready! ;)

As for leaving you alone when you want to write--don't bet on it--they can be just that ornery! ;)

Thanks for stopping by and sharing.

Zulma Burgos-Dudgeon from United Kingdom on January 13, 2016:

I've been through all that with the two 'roomies'. Love the 'cats in peanuts' video. I'll have to try that. Maybe that will keep them occupied and they'll quit yowling at me to play when I'm trying to write. lol

Liz Elias (author) from Oakley, CA on October 08, 2015:

Hello, Scribenet!

I'm glad you enjoyed the article. I had fun putting it together. We have 7 of the darlings; some of them are featured in the article. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing about your cat.

Maggie Griess from Ontario, Canada on October 08, 2015:

Great Hub. Having a cat myself, who knows my moods and is a clown and a cuddler (when he feels like it), I was nodding my head in agreement.

Liz Elias (author) from Oakley, CA on August 21, 2015:

LOL, alexadry--I can well imagine. That is too funny. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience. I'm glad you enjoyed the article.

Adrienne Farricelli CPDT-KA, Dip.CBST from USA on August 21, 2015:

Your "cats are not light-footed" section brought back memories of two black kittens I fostered. When they were playing on the second floor they were as loud as bisons. Indeed, we nicknamed them "tatanka."

Liz Elias (author) from Oakley, CA on August 11, 2015:

Hello, Bredavies,

Yes, cats are very empathetic. They always know when you need a cuddle, and when you're "good to go." A cat video festival sounds wonderful! Have a great time, and do write about it when you return!

Bredavies on August 11, 2015:

Hilarious and very informative. My cat, Rider, can sense when you are sad..everytime I have been upset he curls up on my lap and purrs. If I'm happy he ignores me, haha. This reminds me of the cat video festival I am attending next week. Thanks for the read!

Liz Elias (author) from Oakley, CA on August 07, 2015:

Hello there, RTalloni!

Indeed--I do think they are the best pet. Our count is now at 7, and there is will stay; we cannot afford to take in any others, though if I had unlimited funds, I'd have the biggest and grandest cat rescue outfit on the planet! ;-)

As we grow older ourselves, and as we lose our precious fur-friends to old age, (a sad fact of living with those with so much shorter life spans than our own), we will probably not get any more as kittens, because it would not be fair to the kitty to end up palmed off onto someone else, or worse, end up in a shelter, because they outlived US. In the future, we would probably adopt senior kitties who need a loving home for their golden years.

Thanks so much for your wonderful comment.

RTalloni on August 07, 2015:

There's nothing like a kitten to bring some lively smiles to a household, and then there is the pleasure of getting to know them as they grow and become a valued companion. Myths? What anyone who believes myths need is experience! Thanks for a fun look at one of the best pets a person can have, or in my opinion, the best. :)

Liz Elias (author) from Oakley, CA on July 27, 2015:

Hi, peachpurple!

LOL Yes, they do look so regal when walking. Other times, not so much. Thanks much for stopping by and adding your experience. ;-)

peachy from Home Sweet Home on July 27, 2015:

cute myths i must say. do sound heavy when they jump from a high place, they aren't graceful except for the catwalk

Liz Elias (author) from Oakley, CA on July 14, 2015:

Hi Stephanie!

Yes, they are certainly individuals, are they not? We regard our kitties as our last remaining connection to sanity in this crazy world.

Thanks much for your insight.

Stephanie Henkel from USA on July 14, 2015:

I love cats, and your article certainly showed their true nature! While cats can be graceful, light on their feet, and dignified, they can also be incredibly clumsy and silly. My two cats are as different as possible, but they bring me smiles every day!

Liz Elias (author) from Oakley, CA on July 12, 2015:

Hi, Sage!

Well that's good to know! LOL