Abandoned Puppy Befriends Feral Cat Who Won't Let Anyone Else Near
Sometimes feral cats can’t wait to be domesticated, and turn into the most loving, cuddly, and affectionate house tigers. Other times, they never quite get over their wild past, and eschew the company of humans no matter how many delightful, liver-flavored treats they may be offered.
When this family decided to take in two feral cats they found on their property, they knew it would be an adjustment to get them to trust people. At first. The cats would only emerge to eat under cover of night. But soon enough, the gray one, Wright, warmed up and became a pampered lap cat. But the black one, named Pantera due to his resemblance to a black panther, remained wary and distant—with everyone’s that is, except the family’s new puppy.
Living in the woods of Virginia, this family is no stranger to the practice of taking in abandoned animals. First they found a pair of feral cats in the woods. Then, later, a duo of black and white puppies were abandoned on the property. They named the dogs Ace and Lucy, and Ace took a special interest in the shy and skittish Pantera from the start.
Day by day, Ace tried to befriend the feral cat, and soon enough, an unlikely friendship formed between the two animals. Now, where one goes, the other is sure to follow.
Pantera may never be comfortable enough to hang out inside with the other animals, or even accept love and affection from the humans in the home. But he can’t get enough of his pal Ace. Int the video they are shown following each other around the property, playing together, and snuggling. It’s a deeply heartwarming instance of interspecies affection, and certainly a welcome one for two animals that got such a rough start in life.
Caring for Feral Cats
The dilemma of feral cats is a difficult one, and the comments on this video certainly bear it out. While most reasonable people agree that not every feral cat can be properly acclimated to indoor life, and that these people are doing the best they can giving Pantera and his special needs as much care and attention as they can—there are some hardliners who are still displeased. They argue that allowing any cat to remain outside and “publicizing it” via videos like these only contributes to the very real and growing issue of the feral cat population in the country.
Stop Dumping Unwanted Animals in the Woods
Anyone who lives in a rural area will tell you how heartbreakingly common it is to see animals of all sorts “dumped” in their neighborhoods. Is the fantasy that they will find a happy home, as these animals did? Did the people tell their children that their beloved pet was “going to live on a farm?”
The reality for the vast majority of these animals is as follows: they starve to death or die from exposure, they are hit by cars or farm machinery or are shot by farmers for “trespassing”, they succumb to wild animals attacks or their diseases, or they are rounded up and euthanized in rural, high kill shelters. In all cases, this is a cruel and terrifying end for a beloved family pet. Don’t do this to your dog.
It is a rare animal indeed that gets a second chance like Pantera and Ace.
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