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Precious Akita Puppy Waiting His Turn to Meet Santa Is Simply Irresistible

We've decided there's nothing cuter than a long-hair Akita puppy, like the one posted by TikTok account @AkitaChief. But you know what's even cuter than that? A long-hair Akita meeting Santa Claus! Not only is this video simply adorable, it's such a smart idea for puppy socialization too! 

Just look at this sweet floof meeting Santa and Mrs. Claus for the first time and prepare to be utterly charmed! 

We just love this big floofy baby! ÅshildNyrønning posts what we are all thinking and says, "I want to pet the big polar bear dog!" LOL. @LCF4life says, "He is the best boy ever, give him everything Santa!" @MichaBulchoiz has zero chill and types,"OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! Y'all would have had to call the cops to get me off his or her! I was not leaving voluntarily lol!" Haha! We can understand that feeling, he really is freaking adorable. 

He's so well behaved and calm too! We bet he was definitely trying to get on Santa's nice list!

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