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Angry Cat Shuts off TV After the Spare Human Decided to Play Video Games

He warned him!

Sometimes our fur babies make demands about what they want, and like kids, won't stop pestering us until they get what they want. If you're like my family, you probably give in to them occasionally (read: most of the time.) Milo is an internet famous cat who has quite an attitude...even for a cat! In one of his most recent antics, he wanted to watch his favorite show, SpongeBob SquarePants, on the big TV with his humans. But the spare human was playing video games, and Milo was not happy about.

Mom posted the hilarious video on Thursday, December 12th. It begins with Milo sitting on the counter next to the TV staring the humans down. Mom said this went on for about 15 minutes. He then disappeared behind the TV for a few minutes before the TV shut off. Watch on to see what happens next!

Milo tried to tell the humans he wasn't happy and wanted them to put his show on - 15 minutes of staring should've been enough warning for the spare human! But what makes it even funnier is that Milo has a couch and TV of his own and can watch SpongeBob whenever he wants...he just wanted the big TV!

The video already has millions of views and nearly 6 thousand comments; people loved it and left some funny comments. @Shell made me laugh with, "Milo said, “SpongeBob or nothing, your choice.” LOL!" @Chris Mansker agreed, "Milo: “This is my house. We watch SpongeBob or we sit here in silence”!" @The world is a stage pointed out, "Spare human looks tired of being defeated by Milo haha!" @Savannah Bell laughed, "Not him having his own setup and still being like that!!!" @Nickel got more than 64 thousand likes when they shared, "Milo’s level of intelligence blows my mind. He’s a smart little fella!"

Do Cats Like to Watch TV?

If you're a fan of Milo's, you know how much he loves to watch SpongeBob. I don't have a cat and wasn't sure if this applied to every cat or not, so I did a quick bit of research to see if all cats like to watch TV. Long answer short, they sure do!

Catster explains that cats do enjoy watching TV, but see things a bit differently than we do, "We don’t know for sure what cats see when they watch TV. They likely see the images with less color and clarity than we do. They are particularly entertained by the noises animals make on the screen. Cats can get so engrossed in what’s on TV that they will follow the objects or animals all across the screen, even checking behind the screen when the object disappears from view."

The same article goes on to say that cats who enjoy watching TV may have more of a hunter personality than cats not as fascinated by the boob tube, "Some cats will watch nearly anything on the TV, but what’s most likely to grab their attention is footage of other animals and the noises they make."

Milo seems to be more into cartoons and comedy than video games, and honestly, who can blame him? I'd take SpongeBob over watching my kids play Minecraft any day!

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