Black Cat Has Cutest Way of Keeping Dad Honest During Home Gym Pull-Up Session
Any cat lover who also likes to exercise will tell you that cats…like to get involved. You pull out a yoga mat, they make themselves at home. Cats also like to lie down on keyboards, prayer rugs, and freshly-folded laundry. Or maybe just my cats.
The trick is getting a cat’s interference to be overall helpful to you and your goals. For this boxer, he’s recruited his black kitty to help him sustain his pull-up training by counting out his repeats with the cutest of little head boops.
One of the hardest parts about keeping to a regular training schedule is motivation. Every time I try to workout, something comes up and pretty soon, I’ve lost the habit and then my goals just slip away. Apparently, getting a training partner is an important tool in order to keep consistent with your training. I know when I had a dog, I was definitely taking long walks every day—just because she was unhappy unless I did.
Cats Love Schedules
Though most cats don’t go on walks (there are always exceptions), they can certainly join you in in-home exercise routines. Many people find their cats do want to join them at yoga, and will copy their movements (especially if you get them their own little mats). Other cats have been willing to step up during strength training, some even adding “resistance” by climbing on a person’s back during push-ups.
In this video, a man has installed a pull-up bar in the doorway of his home.His black cat is perched on top of the bar and every time the man does a pull up, he boops him on the head with his tiny black paw.
The reason this is such a brilliant training technique is that the way this game works, the man must hold himself up on the pull up bar until the cat chooses to boop his head. Now that’s impressive—especially given how contrary a cat can be.
Helping Indoor Cats Get Fit
A lot of indoor cats have very low levels of activity. Though keeping your cats inside is safer for them (as well as local wildlife), it can lead to a lack of exercise and weight and other health problems.
But even cats who live in small apartments can get their “steps” in through playtime, the judicious use of cat mazes or cat trees, or even taking cats on “adventures.”
The safest way to take your cat on a walk is putting them on a leash harness or inside a stroller (though, to be fair, that’s not going to give them much in the way in exercise). Before taking your cat outside, make sure they are up to date on their vaccines as well as flea, tick, and heart worm medication.
For cats who don’t like going outside, it’s important to get them exercise by other means. Before I got a cat, I was told the best way to get a cat to run around was to get two cats, and then make sure I was a heavy sleeper, as they’d no doubt choose three a.m. for their games of tag. I
If you only have one cat, there are all manner of electronic, teaser, and even laser based toys on the market for your cat to chase.
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