Boxer's Reaction to Meeting the Family's New Baby Couldn't Be Any Sweeter
No matter how much you try and prepare them for baby, sometimes your pet a super strongest reaction to adding a new family member to the household. We're talking about the dreaded sibling rivalry. Eek! Typically these feelings go away over time, but video of a dog realizing that she was no longer the baby in the family is a good reminder that sometimes these transitions can start off sort of rocky.
TikTok creator Spencer Vines (@spencer_vines) was hoping that her dog and her newborn would quickly become friends. But judging by the Boxer's reaction to the little one we're not so sure that's going to happen. "When you realize you are no longer the baby in the family..." the video's text overlay reads. There's so much going on in this video, you just have to watch the footage below and see how truly heartbroken this good girl is.
Oh my goodness — poor thing! This little girl is clearly not feeling being an older sister.
The video has since been watched over 670,000 times and people in the comments section couldn't look away. "She's always the baby, she just turns into a big baby," @samanthashurling joked. "No. She’s saying “that is so stinkin' cute it makes me cry," @schilla0 teased. "Boxers are so dramatic! And I couldn’t live without mine," @risa1978 kidded. "Boxers hands down best dogs around kids! You have the bestest best friend for that little one!" @kbrua83 exclaimed.
Although at least one commenter thought that perhaps the pup wasn't as jealous as her mama assumed. "Naw….she’s just singing the same lullaby her mama sang to her when she was born," @canatwins4526 shared.
Either way, we're sure that the pup quickly got onboard with the new little one — and how knows? Maybe one day they'll even be buddies.