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Britney Spears’ Fans Demand Her Dogs Be Removed After Bizarre Video Emerges

People are worried about her mental health.

Britney Spears has had a really rough year. From a messy divorce to people questioning her mental health, to this video of her playing with knives while her three pups look on. @TMZ TV posted the video on Instagram on Wednesday, September 27th of Britnney wearing bikini bottoms and a skimpy top, dancing around in her house while jabbing and clanging two large chef knives.

In the video, there is some kind of music playing featuring a Gregorian chant, and Britney is dancing to the beat. She twirls and sways while using the knives as props. You can see her dogs in the background, until she clinks the knives together and then run for cover.

@TMZ's Instagram post led to an article about the bizarre video on their site. The dogs were definitely surprised by the sound, but I don't know if they were scared. When Britney posted the video originally, she said the knives were fake, but judging by the sound they make, they seem pretty real to me. TMZ did contact Ventura County Animal Services who said that after reviewing the video, they didn't feel that an officer had to be dispatched.

Instagram commenters were all over the place. @scuddles1978 said, "The amount of people who believe those aren't "real" knives is mind blowing". wondered, "How many different ways does a person have to scream for help?" @amberbby_ added, "People with mental illnesses care about their pets more than themselves, especially when they are all alone ESPECIALLY after a divorce. Taking away her dogs would do more harm than good. She wouldn’t do anything to hurt her dogs".

Britney's had a really tough year, and her divorce is definitely taking its toll. Hopefully she's seeking help with the stress that she must be under. And I hope she doesn't harm herself or her fur babies, even if just by accident.

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