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Bulldog's Reaction to Mom Telling Him It's Bath Time Is Priceless

We weren't expecting this!

We know that our dogs need baths occasionally but we can't stand giving them. It's always such a nightmare. We have to wrangle them in as they run around the house. And don't even get us started on how much of a mess they make. 

If only all dogs could be like this English Bulldog known on TikTok as @louietheenglishbulldog. He is not afraid of bathtime at all. In fact, he runs toward the bath any chance he can get. Take a look! 

O.M.G. We can't handle all this adorableness! We've never seen a dog more excited for bathtime than this precious English Bulldog. The way he hopped right into the tub is the best part of the video. He stuck the landing! 

"I wish my dog did the same. If I even say the word BATH to my dog, he would’ve bolted into hiding," commented @hivanic. SAME! We have to sneakily lure our dogs into the bathroom and quickly shut the door behind us so they don't run out. LOL! Is there a way we can get Louie the English Bulldog to teach our dogs that bathtime is actually relaxing?! 

For pet owners that have small dogs, it's a little bit easier keeping them in the tub. But for us big dog owners, good luck. LOL! Luckily there are some tips and tricks to help bathe big dogs that are afraid of water. People can slowly desensitize their dogs to water by getting them wet with a sponge, playing games with a water hose, and using treats as positive reinforcements. Always remember, the slower the better! 

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