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Precious Cat's Unbreakable Bond with Human Sister Started Before She Was Even Born

If you're pregnant, your beloved cat may know before you do. Cats can detect changes in a person's hormones, body temperature and behaviors. They will definitely notice when you start to exhibit the physical signs of pregnancy, and they may even become more affectionate towards you. 

If you doubt this at all, check out the amazingly sweet video posted by mom and TikTok user @VKdanielle. It's so amazingly touching. 

This is just too sweet for words. Cats have a natural instinct to investigate new and unfamiliar things and what could be newer than an adorable baby? Cats are also drawn to warmth and a baby's body heat may appeal to them. But we like to think this sweet cat has just bonded with her human sister and is planning on becoming her bestie for life. 

@Megan comments, "My cats have all been obsessed with each baby. Cats just know." @Zia adds, "Oh man I’m two weeks from my due date and I am so anxious to know how my cats are going to be like when baby is here. Hope it’s like this." @Audball adds, "I always say our cat knew before I did. she doesn't snuggle or acknowledge movement of the belly but she has to be near it!" 

Cats are so great for kids. They provide companionship and unconditional love which can help kids feel less lonely. Cats also teach kids empathy, because they require regular feeding and attention. We just know these two will have a lifelong bond of love with each other. 

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