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Video Explaining the Different Characteristics of Specific Cat Colors Is Fascinating

Does this match up with the cats you own?

When thinking about adding a fur baby to your family, most people research different breeds. Some look for low energy and maintenance, while others might look for affectionate best friends. Luckily, there seems to be a breed for everyone. 

Every individual cat will have their own unique personality, just as humans do, but TikTok user explains that specific cat colors can give you a glimpse into what they might be like. Take a look at this clip and see if these characteristics are on par with your cat

Speaking as a Tortoiseshell Cat owner, this is 100% accurate. The video is not wrong when it mentions the "tortitude" of Tortie Cats. My cat Willow is as sassy as can be, meowing her way around the house. She'll get the wild case of the zoomies daily and she loves to hide and jump out at you. It was definitely an adjustment, especially since I've never had a cat before, but I wouldn't trade her tortitude for anything. Plus, did you know Torties are considered to be good luck? SO cool! 

As far as cat breeds go, do you know which ones are the most popular breeds? At the top of the list are Persian Cats. Experts believe these cats are also one of the oldest breeds dating back to the 1600s. Early ownership of these cats was reserved for the religious and the royals. Then, by the 1800s, they become very popular in the U.S. 

Rounding out the list of most popular cat breeds are Maine Coon Cats, Exotic Cats, Abyssinian Cats, and Siamese. Abyssinians Cats are known as the smartest breed and are also known as the Border Collies of the cat world. The more you know! 

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