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Cat's Unusual Favorite Sleeping Spot Is Downright Comical

Pets are downright entertaining, but it takes a true champ to keep the laughs coming even while they're asleep. Clearly, though, Kream the calico cat has this talent in the bag. She went viral on TikTok for her odd, in-the-way sleeping spot, though we have a feeling she doesn't care one bit!

Kream and her feline sibling, Kopi, share the TikTok account @kreamkopi. Their daily antics are just as adorable as you'd expect, but this calico's nap position has us laughing out loud!

What the heck?! That tiny little step can't possibly be comfortable for sleeping on, but Kream seems as relaxed as ever. Whatever floats your boat, we suppose! 

"I’ll never understand cats! But I love them regardless," @crazycatlady_marie wrote. We think that mystery is what makes them so appealing! Even if that 'mystery' feels more like chaos sometimes. 

We love that @rockoutwithyourguacout shared, "this made me laugh so hard I snorted." LMAO! We're so glad Kream's shenanigans are putting a smile on your face. You certainly aren't the only one feeling connected to the dramatic kitty. @Vonnem wrote: "Kream is me convincing myself that my jeans fit," and now we're the ones laughing! If that isn't relatable AF, though, we don't know what is. 

Perhaps the majestic feline chose that spot to perch since "she can easily surveil her kingdom from that spot"--just like @dakotam595 suggested. Well, she is basically a princess! She deserves a lookout of her very own, and it looks like she's found it.

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