Cat Totally Ruins Golfer's Putt After Crashing Game on the Course
In my personal experience, very few people feel neutral about golf. Most people I've met either enjoy it or find it incredibly boring--with no in-between. But I think a few lucky golfers have found the key to making this a sport nearly anyone would watch: cats!
Yep--@wmesterline and his golf buddies ran into the most playful kitty while out on the golf course. The tuxedo cat left everyone laughing, including millions of TikTok viewers. Even @nbcsports shared the hilarious video with their watchers!
LMAO! I have so many questions, but I'm too busy laughing to think very hard about where this silly cat came from. By the sounds of the laughter and the shock of the putter's voice, this sure seems like a surprise encounter. But it's the cutest surprise encounter!
Unsurprisingly, tons of commenters are raving over this new type of golf. @Katiesnyder173 admitted, "This is the only way I'll watch golf now," while @gundam9750 said, "Every golf tournament should have this. I guarantee ratings will go way up." I think you're right!
Better yet, why don't the cats play golf against the humans? Like normal, the golfer can try to get the ball in the hole, but the cats could earn points by taking the ball across a certain line. It's like a brand new game! Even simply placing cats on the course would make golf a lot more entertaining. I'd certainly watch!
This video could actually be a great inspiration for cat owners who need more ideas for playtime. Something as simple as a rolling ball could trigger a curious cat's hunting drive, so it's all about getting creative and finding something your kitty is interested in. Why not play your own golf game out of a wrapping taper tube and a jingling cat toy? You may end up recreating this very video!
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