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Curious Raccoons Crash Photographer’s Photoshoot With the Cutest Results

She got really lucky to find these crashers!

If you're a photographer, you've probably had a few shoots that didn't go as planned. That's what happened to @marytar_pro, a portrait photographer who was setting up for an outside shoot when some unexpected guests crashed her setup! 

Mary shared this video on Monday, September 18th, and it's just the cutest. Her and a friend were putting together the setting for a photoshoot, when two curious raccoons decided to investigate. She was happy to share some fruit treats with them, which they took without even a thank you. She started snapping photos, and they came out great!

One of the raccoons was actually looking right at the camera...I'm wondering if these two have modeled before! Photographers probably see all kinds of crazy things happen. When they do, I bet they also get excited for the unexpected photo opp!

Commenters got a kick out of the curious raccoons. @Nikon Europe made me laugh with, "Wildlife photography but make it girly". @Heather imagined the raccoons were saying, "“Ladies not to interrupt, but do you have some snackies?”!" @Faith pointed out, "They knew the vibes were good and they were safe with you"!

There was also a whole discussion when @chili said, "Ok but I thought we’re supposed to stay away from racoons in the daytime because it’s a sign of rabies since they’re nocturnal". There were 53 responses to this, but I think @Nicole had the best one, "Young ones and parents come out a lot during the day cus the babies don't sleep as much".

These raccoons seem to be comfortable around people. Maybe this is a park and people are constantly feeding them. That would explain why they were so confident to approach @Mary and beg for treats!

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