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Cute & Tiny Frog Trapped in Woman's Sink Has Everyone Invested

It's so little!

A woman on the internet is looking for help with her unexpected houseguest. Nope, it's not a pesky relative. It's the tiniest green frog. And while the frog is cute, no one could blame her for wondering how to get the little guy to leave her home.

If it wasn't bad enough to have a frog living in her house, it seems like the frog is stuck in a hiding spot. 

Don't you hate it when you're playing hide-n-seek and you get stuck in your hiding spot? Unfortunately for the frog it wasn't a game. Not to him and not to the woman whose house he was squatting in. 

"He has been stuck in here for over a week!" the woman said from behind the camera. "He's been coming back and forth for the last month."

The frog was peeping out from the overflow hole in the woman's sink. 

"He's a really cute guy, but I don't want him living in my sink," the woman explained. Which is why she turned to the internet, looking for advice on how to gently get the frog out. 

Commenters had lots of ideas on why the frog was in the sink and how to get him out of there. "Take sink apart underneath, he's stuck," wrote one person. "Maybe he has grown too big to come back out and is stuck," someone else agreed. "He definitely looks like he needs HELP!" chimed in someone else. Although one person thought this was a sure sign that a pet frog was in the woman's future. "The frog distribution system has chosen you," they joked. 

How to Get Rid of Frogs

Admittedly, having a frog in your sink is pretty unusual. It's more common for people to have an infestation of frogs in their yards. While frogs are pretty cute, you don't necessarily want too many of them hopping around. Certain types of frogs can be toxic and can make young children and small animals really sick. 

Frogs are also bad for your yard because they attract snakes and are an invasive species. They can be terrible for the ecosystem if they aren't reigned in. 

If you want to get rid of frogs in your yard you can spray vinegar in the areas where the frogs frequent. The vinegar will sting the frogs' feet and they'll flee. You can also use a natural snake repellent because frogs don't really like that either. 

Alternatively, you could also embrace them. Some people really like to listen to the sounds of frogs when they go to sleep. Consider them a free white noise machine.

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