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Dalmatian Protects ‘Girl House’ by Giving Mom’s Male Friend Some Serious Stink Eye

And who are you???

All dogs have a way of protecting their owners. But Leia the Dalmatian...well, she has her own methods. The Dalmatian and her owner live in a "girl house." And Leia likes to keep it that way. Which is bad news for any of her mama's poor, male friends. 

The Dalmatian unleashed her deadliest weapon when her owner Eva Alexo had a male friend stay at their house recently —  the stink eye. 

The two weren't even at the house! They were staying with their "spare human" and allowing Alexo's friend to stay at their home while he was in town. But things got a little hairy when the man came back to pick up his suitcases and they'd returned. 

In the footage the Dalmatian owner shared, it shows the dog staring the man down while he primped in the mirror. The look she gave her owner was too funny. It was like she was saying, "Um, excuse me. Who the heck is this?"

"POV: You're a girl house and there's a man here," her owner joked in the text caption.

Commenters online couldn't stop cracking up. "Leia’s like 'sorry mom that’s not MY friend James,'" joked one person. "You never have to guess what a Dalmatian is thinking. They give side-eye right away if they don’t like you," someone else pointed out. "She looked at you in disgust the first time," cracked another commenter. "She’s like 'this isn’t the mojo dojo casa house,'" teased one person. 

If you need more proof that Leia is truly for the girlies take a look at a second video her mama shared. 

See? That's a huge difference.

Why Some Dogs Hate Men

Leia isn't alone in not being comfortable around guys. There are many dogs out there that just aren't feeling it when a man comes around. There are lots of reasons for this, but you'll have to troubleshoot what the root of the behavior is.

For starters, a dog might have had a negative experience with a man in the past. Even a man startling them is enough for a dog to get the heebie-jeebies around guys for life. 

If your dog wasn't exposed to men as a puppy that can also be a factor. Dogs tend to be afraid of things they weren't shown at a young age. 

And finally, a man's larger size, deep voice, and scent all might impact how your dog sees them. Their size and voice might be intimidating and their scent might be threatening to a dog, while a woman's scent is softer and can smell like their mother. 

It's all to say that you might not know exactly why your dog reacts to guys like Leia does, but these are great starting points to help turn that behavior right around. 

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