‘Unemployed’ English Bulldog’s Daily Routine Is Enough to Make Anyone Jealous
Do you ever wonder what your dog does all day when you're at work? I work from home, so I know exactly what my dog does, which isn't much more than sleeping and eating. Odie the Bulldog is unemployed and living his best life ever. His mom shared a video on Sunday, June 23rd of what he does all day, and I'm not the only one who's jealous!
Odie gets to spend his days doing some of his favorite things. He does yoga (cobra pose is his favorite), he naps (he's got a favorite spot on the couch) and it's the cutest thing you'll see today, he acts as the neighborhood watch and spies on the neighbors, he plays, and like many kids, he watches cartoons on the iPad. Watch until the end because his unique way of watching cartoons is absolutely adorable!
Talk about living the couch potato dream! For as busy as most of us are, this daily routine is like heaven. Fans of Odie left some pretty funny comments. @junior wasn't wrong when he said, "Bro has got to get a job." and @Danzz agreed, "Time for bro to chip in on rent." @teddybyebye made me laugh with, "It’s the way he sleeps like he works 14 hours a day!" and @Hughie added, "Don’t forget throwing tantrums LOL!" @Kimais-Alloren made a good point, "What do you mean?? He’s an influencer now!"
Are Bulldogs Lazy Dogs?
Odie does a lot of laying around, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's lazy; it just means that bulldogs love their sleep like most of us do! I Heart Dogs refers to them as playful yet relaxed, "Contrary to their lazy demeanor, Bulldogs can be quite playful, especially during their younger years. They enjoy short spurts of play, whether tossing a toy around or engaging in light wrestling. However, they also appreciate their downtime, often seen taking their signature long naps on a comfy couch."
But Bulldogology disagrees, "The reason is that bulldogs are extremely obstinate. No matter how much you try to budge them, if they don’t want to do something, they will definitely not do it. These dogs are also unenthusiastic about work and training, unlike other breeds. Once you combine their stubbornness with low-intelligence, you will find that bulldogs are quite the slow-learners."
I think it's somewhere in between. English Bulldogs have low levels of endurance, so it makes sense they only like to play for short periods of time before they need rest. They also have a number of health problems that lead to fatigue at a quicker rate than other dogs of similar size. I think it's safe to call them couch potatoes, and they're perfect for those of us who aren't big fans of exercise!
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