10-Year-Old Dog's Sad Reaction to Being Overlooked at Adoption Event Is Devastating
A Jacksonville, North Carolina-based animal rescue, known on TikTok as @adoptionfirstnc, recently held an adoption event where people could meet all the animals available for adoption. We love that idea! Well, that is until we see some animals get overlooked, which absolutely breaks us.
That’s what happened with this 10-year-old dog named Honey. She was in her cage at the adoption event, looking ever-so hopeful for a forever family. But, unfortunately, no one gave her the time of day. This clip will seriously break your heart.
Ugh, stop it. Honey deserves the world and her forever family. We feel so bad she was overlooked, and we have a feeling that it might be due to her age. If only people could give senior dogs a chance.
“Well, that killed me. Everybody just walking around her like she’s not even there. I wish I could take her,” commented @exercisequeen62. Safe to say that this video hurt us all. We don’t know why no one gave her a chance. She’s absolutely precious!
Another TikTok user, @beesrus, said, “Please somebody give this sweet senior girl a loving home.” Please, somebody, anybody! If you’d like to learn more about Honey, or if you’re interested in adopting this adorable fur baby, please go to the Adoption First NC website. The rescue center even said they’re willing to discuss transportation if needed! So let's get this good girl home!
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