Dog's Investment in a TV Show on Netflix Is Over-the-Top Adorable
You may have noticed that while watching TV or videos on your phone, your dog is right there next to you joining in on the binge session. Your first thought is that they're just wanting to snuggle, but dogs can actually process what is happening on screens. In fact, some are infatuated with TV.
Just look at TikTok user @bosco.and.the.fam's dog for example. The way this dog is sitting on the couch, completely enthralled by a Netflix show is priceless. We need to turn this on for our pups now!
Be still our hearts! We love that this dog was enjoying TV time with not only his owner but the little girl too. Honestly, did he even blink? Or is that how invested he is? LOL! Guess we have to turn on "Sea Wolves" on Netflix to see if our dogs like it too.
Based on what we see in this clip, it's no wonder the dog loves this show. It's filled with the color blue, which we learned from a separate TikTok video is one of the colors dogs can see vibrantly.
Scientists believed up until the 1960s that dogs only saw in shades of gray, but as more research rolled out, they found out animals can see in color. Dogs have a red and green colorblindness and they see mostly blues and yellows. If you're ever wondering what a toy or movie might look like for your dogs, there is a TikTok filter. You can place this filter up to different objects to see what it would look like from your dog's perspective and it's so cool. And honestly, you'd be surprised by how some toys might look.
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