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Dog Mom's Struggle to Keep the Couch Clean Is So Funny and Relatable

Ah, the struggles of pet parenthood. From keeping things clean to keeping yourself sane, you can never truly know what kinds of challenges you'll face. When your fur baby has as much fun as @niamhadkins' pup did, though, we think it's well worth it.

Despite having a white dog as well as white furniture, Niamh has a bit of trouble keeping the couch clean. Luckily, blankets and sofa covers are here to help!

LOL! Yep, we can completely understand that endless struggle. Do you even have a dog if your furniture doesn't have blankets on top? Luckily, as @ajtstudios pointed out, "the cuteness makes up for the problems." That little face could make up for anything if you ask us!

"She is innocent," argued @isabackup93. "The white couch is the problem." Ha! We can't really argue with that logic. If we're being totally honest, we have a feeling Niamh's pup can't either! 

As adorable and hilarious as the video is, we got a good chuckle from Niamh's comment, too. "My dog was so self-aware for making this video all by herself omg," she wrote. LMAO--that's the power of a Taylor Swift song, we suppose! At least the pupper knows what her paws do to the furniture. Will that stop her, though? We doubt it! 

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