Woman's Reunion with Her Dog After Moving From the UK to Australia Is So Emotional
For those of you who are hoping to move your dog to a different country, you may want to look into whether or not there are quarantine requirements. It could vary from country to country, but in Australia, for example, cats and dogs must go through a strict quarantine. This is because the country is free from a number of cat and dog diseases. The time allows the animals to be monitored and become aware of any disease concerns before entering the country.
That's what TikTok user @helloimcarla had to go through when moving her dog from the UK to Australia. They were separated for 10 days while her dog was in quarantine. Ugh, we would be so heartbroken. But the reunion is oh-so-beautiful and emotional. Check it out!
Aww! We can't be the only ones crying over here! This is so beautiful and we're so glad they're back together. "Glad she is now with you. It must be such a stressful process for them! 10 days without a dog, I can’t even imagine," commented @ellie.beagle. Right?!
Based on the comments, it sounds like several people have done this or thinking about doing it. @teya_e asked, "How are they looked after during travel/quarantine? I want to move my dog to the UK but I'm so nervous!" We would be too! The creator responded, "For Australia quarantine, they are well looked after, and I’m sure it’s very similar in the UK. In the air, they fly as cargo so don’t have any supervision, but there are strict requirements to make sure they’re okay."
@geordieinthesouth said, "Me realizing there must be a job looking after domestic animals in quarantine, where do I apply? I would be in heaven looking after these babies." O.M.G. So true! A dream job we never knew existed until now!
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