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Friendly Fox Stops by Woman's House Each Day Hoping for a Treat

We don’t know how it started, but TikTok user @debs191307 started getting an unusual visitor at her house. It wasn’t daily at first, but as their relationship grew, so did the visitation.

Now, this TikToker shares a video of her friendly fox coming to visit daily. Yes, a fox! And every video is better than the one before. You’ll fall in love with their relationship and if you’re anything like us, you’ll be insanely jealous.

What?! This is our dream! She’s really out here living life like Snow White. Is she interested in roommates to help feed the foxes? Because we’re more than ready and up for the challenge. LOL!

“Not sure it’s really about the food anymore. Just think she’d rather be with you than the others…” said @x_julesc_x. We’re thinking the same thing! The fox has found her new bestie within this TikToker and she just wants to hang out! “Think Biscuit wants to move in lol,” added @lynnella72. Well, a lot of best friends room together at some point so why can't these two live together?! LOL!

Another TikTok user, @happytails48, wrote, “She loves you so much. You can just see the bond between you growing every day. It melts me.” Right?! We’re following this account immediately so we can continue seeing this friendship blossom into the best one in the world.

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