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Cat Photographer Showcases His 'Grumpiest' Kitty Shots of All Time

They're totally epic!

When it comes to the feline side of TikTok, no one has mastered cat photography quite like Nils. This 'catographer' goes by FurryFritz on the video-sharing app, and each of his feline-filled posts seems to top his last. One never quite knows what to expect from Nils' photogenic pets and clients, but there have been more than enough pictures for him to create several 'best of' roundup-style posts. 

On January 14, the photographer posted his 'G.O.A.T. kitties,' which stands for 'Grumpiest of All Time.' And sure enough, each of the cats' pictures is angrier than the last! His viewers are getting quite the laugh out of this silly video--even if the kitties who modeled for it had their fair share of meltdowns and diva moments!

LOL! Cats are known for having an attitude sometimes, but these photos take it to the next level. My favorite, of course, has to be the fluffy kitten with a head almost too big for their body! They look so displeased to be there, and I can't help but wonder where they got such a big 'tude from at such a young age. It's possible that the camera caught them at an off moment (kittens sleep most of the day, after all, so this little model was probably tired!), but something tells me @furryfritz knows just how to capture their best expressions.

I actually laughed out loud at one comment that read, "That Abyssinian cat looks like a Disney villain." If only! Disney has a lot of work to do to make this idea a reality, but in the meantime, cat owners can give their fur babies Disney-inspired names like the princesses or villains they are!

Pet Photography is Challenging--Even for Pros

As you can see in the sneak peek that the cat photographer gives at the beginning of the video, his job isn't as simple as point-and-shoot. He has to set up the right photography equipment, background, and lighting and make sure it's all pet-proof, too! Then, once his model is ready to go, he enlists the help of cat treat pouches to keep them still and engaged. 

When photographing a cat at home, you probably don't have the same level of equipment, time, and knowledge that this professional pet photographer has--and that's OK! Your phone can take a good-quality photograph with the click of a button, and turning on a few lights or using outdoor lighting can ensure you get the best picture possible. Then, take a hint from the 'catographer' and use a treat to keep your kitty interested until you can snap the photo!

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