Family Honors Goldendoodle's Many Adventures with Hilarious Bathroom Wall Art
Having a pet, just like having a baby, means dealing with the inevitable waste products the creature produces. If you have a cat, you’re going to have to clean their litter box. If you have a dog, you’re going to have to scoop the yard and carry plastic bags on your walks. Even if you have a bird, you have to change the paper at the bottom of their cage. It’s part of the gig, no matter how distasteful it might seem.
So you might as well have fun with it, like the family of this Goldendoodle did.
Brodie the Goldendoodle has lived an adventurous life, traveling with his family and seeing some of the greatest and most majestic sights in the country. He’s also gone to the bathroom in these places—as you do. But his family is certainly making the most of this fact of life. They’ve photographed Brodie “doing his business” in all of these gorgeous places, and turned it into hilarious wall art for their bathroom.
Brodie’s Wall of Fame
In this video, we see clips of some of Brodie’s adventure all over this great nation—and some of his more ignoble moments as well. Here’s Brodie squatting in White Sands National Park, New Mexico. There he is answering the call of nature in the Rocky Mountains. Brodie braves the cold to do his thing outside in the snow in Deer Valley, Utah, and finally, there he is relieving himself on a sunlit beach.
Each of these moments were captured on film and framed to be hung up over the toilet in the family’s bathroom. It’s an adorable and hilarious tribute to their beloved dog and all his journeys.
Why It’s Important To Pick Up Pet Waste
We can only assume that Brodie’s family practiced safe and sanitary clean up of his waste products while out on these adventures. Especially in delicate ecosystems like the beach and White Sands National Park, it’s important not to disrupt the balance of those environments by leaving dog waste for others to deal with.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, dog poop can actually cause major problems with the health of our waterways. While each individual dog’s feces may be a minor amount—a literal “drop in the bucket”—pathogens and bacteria can easily spread to be a bigger problem. Salmonella, E. Coli, and roundworms are all pathogens that can occur in dog poop and spread if not taken care of.
Even if you see the droppings of wild animals out and about in nature, the addition of dog feces can cause issues in the environment. A dog’s diet compared to wild animals—who are eating food out of their natural habitat—produces waste products that do not entirely break down outside, and may introduce excess chemicals and pathogens into the area where it’s left.
This is why it’s important to clean up after your pets. Carry plastic bags along with you on walks and place waste in appropriate receptacles. Do not throw dog waste bags into storm drains or allow dogs to poop within two hundred feet of waterways.
And it’s just rude. You don’t want to step in dog poop while you are out on your daily walk, and neither does anyone else.
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