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Orange Cat Lets Dad Wrap Him up Like a Burrito and It’s Beyond Adorable

His exit out of it is the best!

Sometimes when us pet parents get bored, we do really silly things with out pets. Abram Engle is no exception, and on Saturday, September 21st, he decided to wrap his orange cat Kurt up like a 'purrito'. It's the cutest thing you'll see today!

Abram starts with a beach towel or blanket that looks like a flour tortilla. He then grabs yellow, green, red, and white towels that represent cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and sour cream. And don't forget the meat! That would be Kurt...the orange cat is at the center of the burrito, I mean purrito. Watch on as Abram rolls Kurt up into the most adorable burrito you've ever seen!

Kurt does not seem to mind being wrapped up like a purrito at all! I think he looked super cute, but my favorite part is when Abram unrolls the cat; his exit was absolute perfection! Commenters got a kick out of the orange cat's chill attitude over being wrapped up. One person was shocked and asked, "Bro how is your cat that still?!" @chachapeters1 called Kurt a, "Perfect Purrito!!!" @Tyler made us laugh with, "The exit is when I try to take the biggest bite imaginable and it spills out the other end LOL!" Sounds about right!

Fun Facts About Orange Cats

There's something about orange cats that everybody loves. Maybe it has to do with the original grumpy orange cat, Garfield or maybe it's because all orange cats seem to have the same standoffish personalities. Whatever the reason, we can't get enough of them! I did some research to see what I could learn about orange cats, and turns out, there are some pretty cool facts about them.

Although we call them "orange cats", they are not an actual breed. Most of them are Tabby cats, though other breeds can be orange as well. Did you know that the majority of orange cats are male? The number is estimated to be around 80%. The Y chromosome cannot carry the orange gene, and so in order for a female cat to be orange, they need to receive the gene from both parents. The orange color comes from a pigment called pheomelanin, and interestingly, it's the same pigment that gives humans red hair!

The Vets shared this little known fact about orange cats, "Due to their tabby cat stripes, most orange cats will have an M-shaped marking on their forehead. There are many legends surrounding this M. The first is from the ancient Egyptians where cats were called Mau (due to the noise they make). The Islamic world suggests that Mohammed had a tabby called Muezza who saved his master’s life. Every tabby born with an M is a reminder of Mohammed’s love for his cat. Others believe the mark came from Mary stroking a tabby cat that kept baby Jesus warm in his manger." 

Pretty interesting stuff, and just a few more reasons to love orange cats!

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