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Sweet Husky Gives His Brother a Hug and It's So Irresistible

Parents love forcing their children to take pictures together. Well, at least our parents did! We'd be playing and minding our own business when all of a sudden they'd ask us to stand together in front of the fireplace and the flashes kept coming. Is that ringing a bell for anyone else?!

We swore we would never be like that when we became parents but then we got a dog and oh how things have changed. LOL! We aren't the only ones though. TikTok user @imbluethehusky does a similar thing, but instead of asking for her Huskies to pose for pictures, she asks them to give each other a hug. The result is absolutely irresistible!

O.M.G. Stop it! This is the cutest and sweetest sibling duo we have ever seen. Our parents would ask us to do the same thing, but let's just say it never was this precious. LOL! 

"They are just so adorable," commented @christie_love72. The most adorable thing to hit our timelines! We would be asking them to take photos and give each other hugs all the time too if we were in this TikToker's shoes. @bombbastic_sideeye added, "Awww the amount of learning he took to hug his brother." Right?! You'd think it would take a long time, but something tells us Blue picked it up quickly. He just has so much love to give it was easy to learn to hug others! 

Another TikToker, @joannetiffanymaha, said, "Give Blue a rest. He is exhausted." Exactly! Who cares if he was a little slow closing the door? That's still better than our dogs could do. LOL! 

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