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Kayaker’s Incredibly Close Call With a Whale Is a Once in a Lifetime Experience

The clip left us speechless.

Famous Australian YouTuber Brodie Moss was once working as an electrician but in 2019 he quit his job to become a full-time content creator, filming his passions in life. The successful career jump has brought him to incredible places and even more incredible experiences. To say we're jealous would be the understatement of the year.

Most recently, he shared on his TikTok account @ybsbrodie his insanely close encounter with a whale. Talk about a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Check it out! 

O.M.G. We're speechless. For starters, he's kayaking in some of the bluest waters we've ever seen. Our kayaking adventures never look like this. Guess we'll be booking a trip to Australia next! And secondly, how many other people can say they've seen a whale tail like this? Yes, plenty of people have seen whales swimming above the water for a second, but this is totally unusual. No wonder the clip already has over 52 million views within the first two days of being posted! 

Many TikTokers are writing in the comment section that this whale is sleeping, which could very much explain what is happening in the clip. Whales are air breathers and therefore they cannot become fully unconscious when sleeping or else they would drown. But these intelligent animals figured out a way to surpass this problem with unihemispheric sleep. This means that whales shut down one half of the brain at a time, keeping the other half of the brain conscious and breathing. How cool is that?! 

Based on this info, we also believe the whale he saw is sleeping. Plus, whales sleep vertically and close to the surface. It could be that this whale just accidentally submerged during nap time and didn't bother correcting it. Hey, whatever floats his boat! 

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