Lost Dog Has the Best Celebration Before Being Reunited With Owners
It's always so harrowing when someone loses their dog! In between calling neighbors and animal shelters and placing signs everywhere any owner who loses their dog can tell you what sheer fear and panic they feel. That's why we love the following video posted by TikTok user @Hot_ta_Mollyyy so much, because this dog could not have been found by a more lovely family.
Just watch the following video to see how these sweet people cared for this adorable dog until their owners could be located!
They took such amazing care for her! What a wonderful family, and we think dad should get his very own dog now too! @DeanoKathy types, "I really wanted to see he got to keep her." LOL! No, she's home safe and sound now. @Hollyburl adds, "Get that man a dog!" @Howiesmom comments, "So sweet, a tiny 'lil bit of paradise for all involved (except her family, I'm sure they were so relieved to see her again)"
@Marieparodi has the best idea ever, and adds, "Time to adopt a beautiful baby dog!!! He needs one!" We will be checking this account to see if this amazing dad gets a dog of his very own!
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