Maine Coon Mix's Sweet Way of Asking Mom to Play Is Going Viral
As much as we say cats like to march to the beat of their own drum, they also love attention and playing. Well, only when they want it and not when we force it. LOL! It is their world and we're just living in it. Honestly though, you might be surprised how many cats want to play.
Take for instance this Maine Coon cat. TikTok user @seeminglyabsurd went into the room where the cat was sitting on the bed. The way he was asking to play is so insanely cute it's no wonder the video reached over 8.6 million views within the first few days. Turn your volume up and check it out!
Aww, what a cutie! He wanted to play and was asking so nicely. So if this mom doesn't play with him right away, we're going to have a problem! LOL!
"I'm so in love with this chatty fur baby," said @loqizekatz. SAME! We typically think of cats meowing because they want to be left alone, but she so clearly wanted to play. "The way he yelled at you when he saw you. What a cutie," added @deadbunnykitty. He was yelling only because valuable playing time was getting wasted!
@lu333lu0 pointed out, "Sounds like a Pokémon." O.M.G. He totally sounds like a Pokémon. And because of that, he's our favorite Pokémon character by far!
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