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Mom-Daughter Volunteers Rally Around Grieving Horse Who Lost Her Companion

As much as we grieve when an animal crosses over the rainbow bridge, we think other animals grieve even harder. We at least know what happened. But other animals in the house don't know where their bestie has gone and that breaks our hearts. 

That recently happened to a horse named Scarlett. She lost her companion and best friend about a week ago. Scarlett has since shut down, just waiting for her friend to come home. Luckily, a mom-daughter group volunteered to comfort sweet Scarlett and the video posted by TikTok user @gonecluckingmad will give you hope. 

Ugh, our hearts are breaking for poor Scarlett. We feel awful that she lost her best friend. But we're so glad this group of women decided to volunteer and help her feel a little bit better. And they did it in the rain?! Angels on earth!  

"If anyone doubts that horses love humans, this video says it all. They love us just as much as we love them. She was soaking up the attention," said @bittersforlife. Right?! And their feelings should get acknowledged, just as human feelings do. 

@denisedumas0 wrote, "Keep sharing the love and mend her broken heart. Give her a big heart hug from me please." A hug from us too! The healing process may take a while, so never, ever give up on her. She's clearly already starting to feel better. It can only go up from here! 


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