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Orange Cat & Corgi Enjoying a Leisurely Kayak Ride Are Truly Living the Dream

We're a little jealous!

If you enjoy spending time outdoors, chances are that you take your dog on some of your adventures. But what about your cat, do they go too? TikToker katsudonn99 posted a video of their 2-year-old orange and white rescue cat enjoying a day on the kayak at the end of August. He's got a lifejacket on for safety and is right at the bow of the boat with their Corgi sibling. It's the sweetest thing you'll see today!

The cat is looking around, enjoying the scenery. He's also very vocal. Make sure your sound is on so you can hear what he has to say about his latest adventure!

His little meows of contentment are the best! This was so relaxing to watch - I don't know if it was the meows or the soft classical music playing in the background, but it was a moment of Zen that I needed!

I wasn't the only one who enjoyed katsudonn99's video; it has more than 13 million views, over 3 million likes, and nearly 6 thousand comments. People loved it! @IDrika got nearly 126 thousand likes when she said, " Pronunciation 10/10." @Melanie swooned, "Eyes closed in the sunshine, sniffing the air..." and @Lorene added, "Living his best life!"

Do Cats Like to Swim?

Commenter @ryn pointed out, "He's fighting his intrusive orange thoughts to not jump into the water LOL!" and the cat's humans replied, "He did jump into the water last year, but he has been good this time LOL!" 

Most of us believe that cats hate water - if you've ever tried giving your cat a bath, you'd probably agree. But not all cats feel that way, in fact, many cats enjoy being in the water. Catster goes so far as to say, "Cats can indeed swim, and far from being afraid of water, many cats enjoy spending time getting wet, especially those with naturally water-resistant coats that will not get water-logged after a quick dip." They also say that all cats can naturally swim, something I was surprised to hear. Breeds that enjoy the water include the Turkish Van, Turkish Angora, Maine Coon, and Bengal cats, named after Bengal tigers. 

The length of time cats can swim depends on a variety of factors including, their breed, health, body fat percentage, muscular condition, coat, the current of the water, and their experience in water. Catster reminds us that like humans, cats can swim longer and farther with practice and training.

If you're still skeptical about cats enjoying swim time, just Google 'Can Cats Swim?' and hundreds of videos pop up of cats swimming around! Some are swimming with lifejackets on while others are doing it all on their own. If you let your cat swim, make sure to monitor them just like you would your children. Better to be safe than sorry!

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