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Video of Parrot 'Walking' Down the Stairs Is Just the Cutest

She's a free range bird.

I love watching videos of pets doing unexpected things, and this one that @The Parrot Lady (AKA Wendy Albright) shared is one that will make you smile! Wendy shares a video of her cockatoo Sweet Pea's morning ritual, and it's too cute!

The video starts with Sweet Pea walking towards the top of the stairs. She waits for mom to see her and tell her good morning. Then she 'walks' down the stairs to get her day started. What she does next is one for the books!

Just when I thought the video couldn't get any better after watching Sweet Pea walk down the stairs, I was surprised to see her showing her furry brothers and sisters whose boss by barking at them, I wonder what other kinds of noises she makes. She's a feisty cockatoo - she flapped her wings and everything. She's tough!

My parents have had an Amazon parrot since I was a kid, he's 45 years old now. He did something similar - he'd bark like a dog and meow like a cat. He also would chase us around when he was out of his cage! He was like having another child in the house!

Commenters got a kick out of the funny video. @Brooksy stated, "It’s so nice of her to let all of you live in her house" and @erinculhane132 added, "It's the hops of royalty for me!" @40isthenew90 made me laugh with, "The queen must be announced"! There's no doubt about it, Sweet Pea thinks she's boss in the house! I know her dog brother is her BFF...I wonder if he gets scared when she barks at him!

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