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Mischievous Puppies Mysteriously Turn Themselves Blue and It's a Mess

What did they get in to?

Talk about a huge mess! Imagine coming downstairs to find that your pristinely white puppies have somehow managed to turn themselves blue! That's what happened to @ori, and I can't help but smile when I watch this!

I'm not sure what or how it happened, but Ori's dogs found something blue that they decided to play in. Not only are the dogs a mess, but so is the floor and the couch. One dog looks bluer than the others...I wonder if that's the one that started it all!

Ori's original post didn't explain how it all happened either, but it quickly went viral and has more than 16 million views. Commenters wanted to see more, and that's when this video was posted. It shows the mess, but still doesn't explain what happened.  Can I also point out that whoever's talking in the background doesn't seem to upset by the situation. I would've been so mad!

I have so many questions! So does @Gidget who asked, "Someone tell me how all these dogs become Smurfs? Don't get me wrong, they are cute blue but HOW?" A couple of people replied that they got into paint. That doesn't seem to be right to me - you'd think if it was paint, they'd look wet and matted. Maybe it was a dye of some kind? @Angi commented, "I have been proven wrong. I thought there was no way it was paint but watching it again, yep I believe it now. LOL!"

Whatever they got into, it's pretty clear that it's going to take a long time to clean it all up, and to get them back to their original polar white color!

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