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Woman Makes Plea for Help in Finding a Rescue for Terribly Abused Pit Bull

When we never usually hear about an animal’s background before they make it to the shelter. Sometimes the shelter doesn’t even know what happened to the animals, just that they’re very much in need of attention and a loving home. But TikTok user @taylorlenzmusic and her neighbors saw exactly what happened to a Pit Bull, which is why they decided to jump in.

This TikTok was in Hollywood when she saw the Pit Bull being violently beaten by a homeless man. Ugh, stop it. We’d bawl our eyes out if we ever saw that. And now she’s turning to TikTok for help for the next step. 

Ugh, what a sweet angel who didn’t deserve any of that treatment. We can’t even begin to imagine how terrified she is. We’re so thankful this TikToker decided to step in and save her. Now, let’s help her find a rescue shelter. Better yet, let’s get her a loving home!

“You are an amazing person! Sharing and hoping you find a rescue,” said @grampsthecat. SAME! We really hope the power of social media pulls through for this beautiful dog. And hats off to this TikToker. Not everyone would’ve stepped in to save the dog. “Bless you. Seriously thank you for saving that baby,” added @ohsnapcheese. Thank you times a million!

Another TikTok user, @kim_cuna, wrote, “Please update us on what rescue you send her to! Would love to inquire about her.” AWW! See? People are already so in love with this sweetie, and they want to give her the best home. We’ll be patiently waiting for that update!

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