Moment Rescue Cat Trusts and Falls in Love with Her New Mom Is Everything
When a new pet first gets brought home from the shelter, it's only natural for them to feel a little scared, intimidated, and unsure. And when they finally take a deep breath and realize they're in a safe environment, it must be such a huge relief.
One cat mom who recently brought home a new kitty, named Jolie. She shared her experience of Jolie learning to adjust to her new home. She posted a video on her TikTok account, @jolieanddee, to show the sweet feline's journey to learning to trust her. And when she finally does? It's easy to see she's hopelessly in love!
How absolutely precious! The bond between these two is just undeniable. And how cute is Jolie in her new tee-pee? It's so obvious that she's exactly where she's always meant to be.
The creator shared this clip after being inspired by a comment left on a previous video that said, "She is going to have the most amazing life she never thought she would have." Isn't that the truth?
People are so appreciative of how patient and kind Jolie's mom is. One TikTok user, @Steve said, "People expect a new cat to be living right away and return them when they aren't. It's so important to give them time." Absolutely. The same is true for all rescue pets.
Another viewer, @Mirasol added, "When she fell against your leg, I lost it. She loves you!" All of us who watched felt the same way! And @K noted, "This reminded me of when I adopted my first cat; every moment was so special. She has since passed but this video brought back so many wonderful memories." Aww. How wonderful.
Jolie and her mom clearly share a very special bond, and this is just the beginning as far as their happy times together go. We couldn't be more thrilled for both of them.
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