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Rescue Dog's Pure Elation Over Meeting Her New Family Is So Moving

Welcoming a new pet into your family is an exciting experience, especially after a long search for the perfect furry companion.

TikTok user @macknierim recently uploaded a clip of her family welcoming their new rescue dog Daisy into their home after waiting for a sign. Watch the following sweet clip to see how overjoyed both this pup and this family are. 

The sign the video creator was waiting for? The video description explains "We waited and waited until our dog in heaven sent us the right one to join us. Here's your sign, adopt the dog!" 

@Jessmeow sweetly comments, "She fits in so seamlessly. She was always meant to be yours." @Laura adds, "Aww, congratulations she's so adorable. So glad that you got her." 

We got to follow along on this journey because @Macknierim previously posted a sweetly funny video where she was waiting two hours early in the shelter parking lot for her chance to adopt Daisy. 

In this video she sadly explains that she had previously owned a chocolate Labrador who died after five years, and they were waiting for the right time to adopt again. 

She also posted this funny video where she starts off saying "People are pulling up and I'm sort of panicking but I was here first soooo.." 

Daisy! If only you watched TikTok videos you would know how badly you were wanted and how much love your new family has for you! Here's wishing this wonderful family all the best and congratulations on the joy that beautiful Daisy will being to their family! 

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