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Police Officers Go Above and Beyond to Rescue Trapped Kitten Stuck in Desk

This was a huge undertaking.

The cat distribution works in mysterious ways. Sometimes a cat shows up on your doorstep, sometimes a cat shows up trapped in a hole inside the desk you are refinishing that you left in your carport. Watch the following video posted by TikTok user @Shelbysaunders23 on August 11. 

This poor little guy was so stuck! 

We love how the officer tried freeing him with olive oil! That's one greasy kitty! The video creator explained "With the help of the officer, we tried to create a lubrication so he could try to squeeze his head back through the hole. Didn't work. So called my boyfriend's mom and brother to help assist. They live close by." 

They ended up using a plastic knife on the particle board to make the hole opening larger and after almost two hours the little kitten was freed! She ended up naming the little guy Oscar. 

TikTok users are loving this kitty rescue and @Bianca comments, "That’s great you kept him and you will have a funny story about how you got Oscar the cat." @Ruby adds, "Cat distribution system at work!" @Ksmione adds, "He certainly knew how to make an entrance." 

If the cat distribution system finds you and you want to keep the kitty, make sure you keep him separate from the other animals in your home until you can take the cat in to have a vet appointment. Provide fresh food and water, a warm place to sleep and give him time to warm up to you. On occasion, stray cats and kittens can be a little spicy and need time adjusting, but soon you'll have a new fur baby to love forever. 

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