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3-Month Old Stray Kitten Rescued in Maui Given the Most Perfect Name

The Maui Humane Society is just incredible.

The fires that broke out in Maui last week have decimated over 3,000 building in Lahaina, killed at least 114 people, and either injured or displaced hundreds of pets

During this horrific tragedy the Maui Humane Society has been working around the clock to reunite pets with their owners, care for animals rescued from the fires, and care for pets that have been badly injured during the disaster. On August 17 the shelter posted a video of a cat that had been discovered by a member of the community. 

The video explains that the poor cat had burns to his face and paws, and they felt he was frightened and depressed. The cat was treated by veterinarians and the following morning he greeted shelter staff with loud meows and demands for affection. Facebook users are so touched by this rescue story of yet another animal from Maui, and @Allison comments, "I'm certain that this is incredibly difficult work, thank you for doing it and helping so many (animals and humans)." @Shay adds, "I just love you all so much for saving these precious animals! You all are angels." 

The cat was given the name "Ho'omau". Which means to persevere. The shelter adds, "We hope that Ho'omau can inspire you too. That even during these tragic times to not lose hope, to show aloha and to give aloha." 

Watching these wonderful stories of the Maui Humane Society being able to rescue and care for these animals is so inspiring. We know they have such a long, hard road ahead with treating more animal victims of the fires and reuniting these cats and dogs with their families, and if you would like to make a donation, please visit the Maui Humane Society here.

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