White Cat Beams with Pride After Knocking Over Mom’s Prize Monstera Plant
Cats love to cause a little chaos — and that's putting it lightly. It's almost like they thrive on it. Take a white cat named Mystic who was particularly pleased with herself after knocking over her mom's huge monstera plant. Her mom was...less pleased. As tends to be the way these things go.
Not only did Mystic knock the plant over, she stuck around to show off her handiwork. She didn't feel bad about what she did, not at all.
The cat was just chilling amid the debris of the ruined plant. Oh, is there a plant on the ground? Mystic didn't seem to notice.
"She is so happy with herself right now," her mama, Juliet, said from behind the camera. "You proud of yourself? Did you do that? Did you do that while I was asleep?"
You don't understand Juliet, Mystic was just saving you from the big, bad plant. You should be thanking her! Or that's what we imagine Mystic's side of the story is.
Commenters saw Mystic for the hero that she was — well, sort of. "She saved you from the monster(a)!" wrote one person. "She made so much mess but the fur is still perfectly clean," someone else pointed out. "I also have a white cat and this is so on brand for their behavior," another cat owner lamented. "So real. My cats ate all the leaves off my Monstera. Then started eating the roots. LMAO," one commenter shared.
Why Do Cats Knock Things Over?
Mystic isn't the only cat guilty of causing property damage. It's like cats relish the chance to ruin your stuff. So why on earth do they do this? Do all cats have some sort of strange vendetta against drinking glasses?
Your cat isn't going after your favorite coffee mug for any particular reason. There are several reasons why cats knock things off of counters. For one, it's instinct. Cats are predators, so they'll naturally "hunt" for things that dart across their sight line or that they might think is prey.
Cats might also be getting mixed messages when it comes to knocking things over. Humans tend to pick their cats up or talk to them after they spill something. Cats might be using this as an excuse to get attention.
Finally, cats might knock into things because they're simply bored. Sure, most cats like to spend their time snoozing or lazing around the house. But they need to have a little fun, don't they? If you leave your cat alone for too long, your favorite dishware is sure to end up on the ground.
Unfortunately, dealing with a few broken dishes is part of cat ownership. Thank goodness these little guys are cute.
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