Precious Pup with a Crooked Face Finds His Forever Home

He’s just too sweet.

The veterinary medical director at Paws For Life K9 Rescue in Los Angeles named Zoe Ramagnano found her fur baby when the little dog was transferred from a local animal shelter to the rescue. 

Her fur baby doesn't look similar to other dogs, but his little face is perfectly imperfect in every way. 

People Magazine shared the sweet story to their Facebook page and in an exclusive interview with the magazine Ramagnano talked about her adorable pup, who she named Picasso. “Despite his deformity, he lives a completely full and happy life. He is able to eat on his own and uses his nose to smell all the lovely smells outside. He plays with other dogs and toys. He is even able to chew on bones, albeit he does it sideways,” Ramagnano says of Picasso, who she describes as “confident, loving, goofy, loyal, intelligent and affectionate.”

Picasso was born with a rare facial deformity called leftward campylorrhinis lateralis and prognathia. 

Facebook users can't get enough of this precious pup and @Sue comments, “That is great that Picasso has a home. Most people would not have adopted him. I would have loved to adopt him.” @Kelly adds, “He’s precious. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I bet this boy has many special gifts.” @Sandra responds, “Aww! Sometimes beauty is on the inside as well as it probably is with this sweet pup.” 

I think he's absolutely beautiful and it sounds like Picasso has just the best new owner ever. We just love a happy ending! 

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